Caution ! Before you Enter Trading

Rayan Fernandes
2 min readOct 17, 2023


There is so much of noise out there around this topic , you see everyone trading these days, I have some of my friends who also trade on regular basis. They are used to the losses they incur in the trading as they are convinced that one day all of a sudden they will be able to start making some real profits as they get more experience in trading.

Infact, a lot of influences on the social media we see are making most of their money by the courses they are selling , and showing them as very profitable investors. This is giving everyone a misconception that there is a good chunk of money to be made at ease once we learn how to trade. I don’t deny it , But its not easy as how they show it in tiktok/insta reels.

Understand this

Once you loose x% of your capital you need to win double the %x you lost just to recover the money you lost.

Take for example, you had capital of 10k and you take a trade and make a loss of 50% , now you need to make 100% profit on your next trade just to recover your initial capital

Read that again!

