LM Studio | Run open-source GPT models on your laptop

Everything is running locally on your machine!

Rayan Fernandes
2 min readNov 5, 2023

LM Studio makes it easy to run AI models locally on PC Mac and Linux If you are interested in trying the latest AI models and large language models trained in different ways.

The more powerful your laptop or desktop the better, but as long as you have at least 8GB of RAM you should be able to run at least one or two smaller AI models like Mistral and others. Using AI models locally opens up opportunities for private and small businesses to experiment and innovate with AI without expensive servers or cloud-based solutions.

LM studio

Have you ever wondered, how is it even possible to run such a large language model on your puny laptop? Well, it is made possible thanks to quantized models made available by the hugging face community.

A lot of popular model sizes vary in ranges from 2GB up to 30GB, Most popular ones like mistral-7B and llama-7B are around 5GB each.

With LM Studio, you can …

🤖 — Run LLMs on your laptop, entirely offline

👾 — Use models through the in-app Chat UI or spin up an OpenAI compatible API server

📂 — Download any compatible model files from HuggingFace

🤗 Repositories🔭 — Discover new & noteworthy LLMs in the app’s home page

Try LM Studio on your laptop now — https://lmstudio.ai/

